State Laws
Our first words to students before signing up for their primary permanent cosmetic makeup class, are to encourage them to find out their local and state laws on licensing and permanent cosmetic legislation.
Some state legislation, such as that of Oklahoma, requires specific training requirements. Some states require that a student pass a state exam or obtain a studio license. The State of Texas requires that a person fill out paperwork, submit a fee of approximately $950, and the State will then issue a studio license. Note that in the State of Texas, the studio itself is licensed, not the technician. The State of Virginia requires that you attend a class taught by a state approved trainer. It is clear to see the difference between Oklahoma, Virginia, and Texas, and the importance of finding out what is required by YOUR state. We recommend that you first begin by contacting your state department of health. Different departments such as the state board of cosmetology or the health department may be in charge of licensing in your particular state. There are even a few states who have absolutely no legislation regarding opening a permanent cosmetic makeup studio.
To find out your local state laws, go here >>> STATE LAWS After reviewing the online information, make sure you contact your local state to verify that content on the state's website is current, and that their laws on licensing a studio or artist have not recently changed. When you talk to the state official, make sure you explain to them that you are seeking information on licensing requirements for "cosmetic tattooing". Some people that you initially talk to may not know what permanent makeup is, and may believe that you are requesting information on cosmetology services. This will help the telephone personnel connect you to the right state department from the get go, and avoid frustration on everyone's part.
In the past we have had a few students who neglected to research their local state laws, and after attending their primary permanent cosmetic makeup class, were surprised to find out that they had to meet other requirements such as additional training hours and classes to start their business. It is important to do your homework prior to signing up for any permanent cosmetic makeup school, as failure to do so can result in costly mistakes.
What about Federal laws such as OSHA? Does OSHA affect permanent makeup technicians? Well maybe, or maybe not....